Seeing Life through the Lens of Our Hearts

Seeing Life through the Lens of Our Hearts

This year, which just popped on the horizon like the early morning dawn, has the potential to feel like life and events are accelerating, and will feel either chaotic or exciting, depending on the perspective, to the point the days will clock out on the perception of an 8 hour day. In other words fast and furious. When I was still doing shows, I talked about the feeling of 18 hour days then down to 12. I’m feeling a sense of 8. We are at the end of a 26,000 years cycle, and due to this place in the elliptical it feels like Mach level through space and time. Of course it’s also because we are becoming more conscious.

And how brilliant as this coincides with a global year of 8, 2024, 2+2+4=8. An 8 year speaks to self reliance, independence, freedom, confidence and inner wisdom, mirroring all the aspects of Uranus and Aquarius. The number 8 is also about material freedom, financial abundance and wealth.

If we want financial freedom and personal abundance – the key is us. It always is. We are the ones that activate these ideologies and ‘feelings’ making them reality. We have to ‘feel’ the process to materialize the world of matter. We create and imagine our lives every single minute. By holding love and abundance in our hearts, we can and will create it. We Are This Powerful. The more we collectively hold the light within – feeling the abundance – the faster our creative power will materialize our desires based on universal law. Holding the light will also honor personal freedoms. It’s our opportunity to stay true to our hearts, strengthening our independence collectively as we move into the Age of Aquarius.

We are taught to process everything through our heads, our intellects. Be pragmatic, realistic and only see what is before us. In truth, if we process life through our hearts first and foremost – we literally see more – then blend these feelings with the intellect, we will make our best choices creating the true reality we desire. We limit ourselves, like cutting off an arm or a leg when we make our decisions and choices based strictly in our heads. That is just truth. We all have an opportunity this year to create our highest soul’s ideals by seeing life through the lens of our hearts, the vision of love the focus.

Consider creating a new habit of tapping your heart before you make a decision and literally see how your life changes dramatically in favor of your highest good.

Take a breath and feel it literally in your body. If your heart stays tight, you might choose another option. If it opens like a lotus, then meld it with your intellect and follow that path. The more you do this the easier it becomes. It’s useful even when you go shopping. Is it in my best good to buy this or that? It’ll seriously shift how you process your choices. The best part is you will become happier by the day. Even if major shit is thrown your direction, it’s easier to deflect by approaching it from your heart.

And imagine if we all activated our hearts daily, our relationships would and could have the potential to be outstanding and amazing. Imagine big and make this happen.

Thank you for staying with me through the years’ ups and downs, changes and shifts, and growth and expansion. With tons of information and many many speakers/writers available, I’m even more grateful you’ve stayed with me and supported my thoughts and writings. As a writer having an audience gives joy to the process. I’m incredibly appreciative.

Here’s to a rich year of abundant adventures and deep heartfelt insights.

Cosmic sunshine to you!

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Death Joined Us for Dinner

It has been predicted November was going to be one rowdy, wild ride astrologically, to the division in timelines, separating the false matrix from the crystalline matrix, to major solar flares hitting the planet.

They, the prognosticators – whoever they are, weren’t kidding.

We are surfing the storms of scorpionic energies where we are all faced with emotional shadows lurking below the surface of our consciousness. Our fears. Scorpio being the most pyschic of all the signs, is also highly intense in its teaching tools with its chaotic emotional-wrecking-ball heaving back and forth across our horizon lines of awareness. It was also postulated the magnitude of this high-voltage-intensity hasn’t been on the planet in literally millions of years. That’s a wow! Or a whoa! Whatever your beliefs are in this realm, I haven’t yet discovered a friend, family member or client that hasn’t had some kind of splash or jolt this month. These transitional explosions, of course can also be intensely positive.

Including me. Including my family.

My family inadvertently invited Death to join us for dinner. Sure as hell wasn’t intentional, at least not from a conscious point of view. We have been in conversation with Him for the over last two weeks and counting, however I made the strong assertion after the salad, “Sorry, but you’re not invited for dessert.” That happened in 2016. Death stayed for dessert. It was when my husband and dad both went on their cosmic safari. This time, it’s been my year-and-a-half-old grandson. He’s been sitting next to Death at the dining room table. Death was becoming way too comfortable and familiar, teasing empty promises with him. That’s why I became adamant about no peach cobbler, no dessert. That didn’t go over well, however it did the trick. Now Death is putting on his trench coat in the foyer. He’s still looking back to the dining room with possibilities in his keen translucent eyes, and at the same time is already contemplating his next stage play.

Death is quite the guy, by the way, intellectual, erudite, well spoken, multilingual and gifted. Handsome too, and seductive in his parlance and gestures. It’s easy to be convinced and deceived, taken-in, essentially seduced, especially when it becomes too difficult to deal with the non-stop nonsense being regurgitated in our everyday lives.

We have talked about flirting with death as a family and how we feel. Those feelings of abject helplessness in the face of adversity of the highest magnitude, have been a central conversation. It’s been very up-front and incredibly personal. Where and what are our greatest fears? What are our roles in the passion play and what are we learning? My theme has been how to stay positive and surrounded in light, no matter the outcome.

Because as we know, it’s all in the learning and in our perceptions.

In reality, death is but a transition. There really is no death, as consciousness lives on. And on. The difficult part is really in our percieved loss of our loved ones, whether human in this case, to our animal families. I believe this will be a central theme in a new learning curve for humanity as we transition away from our outmoded death beliefs in the days ahead.

The PICU has been our residence for the past two weeks and probably will be for another week before we transition to the childrens’ wing. Death though, will not be joining or having dessert with us. Not this time.

*It’s been a hell of a ride and not a particularly enjoyable one.

*Everything is a learning curve; its own adventure.

*The experience has been incredibly unifying.

*Life is a beautiful thing.

My invitation is always look through the lens of what adversity (in career, health, relationships, spiritual foundations) or particular challenges or even death propose? If something isn’t working, then discover a new methodology, a better direction, a course correction, a way around the sandbar. It may even call for surrender as it did in my case. I had to – I am admitting this out loud – surrender and be grateful to the endless torture of needles, pumps, tubes, suctions, paralytics, fentanyl, albuterol, antibiotics, catheters, suppositories, eye gel, thermometers, intubation, ventilators, masks, methadone…and I haven’t covered them all. This to save a 16 month old child. I (we) have literally had to surrender the saving of this child’s life, to nurses and doctors, pharmaceuticals and technology, something I’m not completely comfortable, coming from past experiences. Talk about a learning curve.

And a gift.

I want to thank with high appreciation and gratitude, the thousands – yes – thousands of people who have been praying for my grandson. I am so humbled and honored by people’s kindnesses and generosity of time, grace and spirit.

Cosmic sunshine,

Candia ☀️

I’m grateful for ❤️:

The Beauty that I live with

The Beauty that I live by

And the Beauty in which I live my Life.

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Where’s Your Elevator

Where’s Your Elevator?

The old fashion analogy of an elevator is the perfect tool for your self awareness arsenal, if you’re intrigued, interested and guided to expand your consciousness, as well as a good picture for the collective. It’s a super visualization guide in other words to offer insight and clarity. I’m sure many of you have already utilized it before. But with so many things, these tools can get put in the back of the closet until one day it’s like, oh yeah, this is a good idea – again.

Option A. is to visualize an elevator and see which floor opens for you and what is playing out and what you experience, like in the movie Serendipity with John Cusack (one of my fav movies). Feel it out, play it out. Write it down. Keep track of changes.

Option B. is to read through this to offer up some ideas and or clarity on what options are available.

Imagine pushing the elevator button and waiting for it to arrive. Ding, floor number 1, our entry point. Birth perhaps. The door opens and going inside you choose which floor sounds great. Each floor of course offers different choices, opportunities, experiences and adventures. As we know, the majority push floor number 3. Some on the other hand, decide hanging out in the lower basements sound better as they – meaning basement levels, -1, -2 and or -3, offer darkened mirrors, excuses, addictions, self sabotage, judgement, etc – a place where they can hang out with all the negativity to justify their bad choices. These levels love the dark side of negative as it enables those frequencies to produce more fuel. As the old saying goes, misery loves company. Negative begets negative. Remind yourself, if you get into a negative spin, you’re drawing more negative amplification to you and you’re literally spinning backwards. Remedy: Spin clockwise with your arms outstretched 3-21x’s instead, while focusing on the beauty right in front of you, when you’re done spinning of course, wink wink. And remember in the future to choose your floor wisely, avoiding -1,-2 and -3.

Door number 2 – ahh been there, done that.

Door number 3 is instinctual, easy. This is the party place where everyone goes. So if this is where everyone goes it must be The Place. People all wouldn’t be lemmings now would they? Group consciousness. F.O.M.O. Everyone must comply. That’s right – it’s THE place. This must be our floor. The door opens and before us is a field, beautiful and filled with so so many people and stuff and and more stuff and more people all trying to figure things out. Trying to find some peace and sanity in the chaos, bring some music to soften the turbulence and enjoy their existence. Searching for other like-minded people to find balance and joy and love. This door tends to be pushed over and over and over again because it’s safe, we all know what to expect and we know the drill, however we don’t know how to stop the repeating wheel. This though, is the new game plan; opt out of the wheel.

Door number 4: The door opens and ohh now, it’s getting better, clearer, brighter, so much lighter, heart centered, and yet a few of those flying monkeys have escaped and are clouding the skies a bit. Still can feel restrictive if you allow it to by under utilizing your heart – until you push 4.5 but you have to be willing to climb up that extra half step to feel the real positives of what 4 offers, balance and cooperation, foundational strength and connection. Plus Love.

Door number 5: Now here is a new level of awareness, of clarity, vision and ease. Joy ripples through the branches of the vibrant iridescent trees and love floats on the wings of bumblebees. Everything is crisp and radiant, more alive and colorful. The connection between all things is visible to see, so no one is inclined to hurt or maim or shame as all know it’d only hurt themselves. This level 5 community is all about being co-creative with the cosmos. Instant manifestation. It’s the exuberance of aliveness and delight in the shared moments. It’s the love vibe on steroids and laughter. It is the landing pad of prime earth, Eden or new earth.

Door number 6: The door opens to light energies that look like fireflies, bright balls of light and color and rotating vibration of oneness, harmony and wisdom. It’s everyone and everything all as one and as the universe. It’s still unique individualization married to oneness.

Door number 7: The door opens to the 7th floor of existence and the sweetness of a thousand fragrant blossoms, this feeling, this vibration is felt in every cell of our being, while the fiber of our soul resonates with the heavenly coherence of tone and crystalline matrixes and sound evolving into symphonies.

Door number 8: All one
Door 9: All one
Door 10: All one
Door 11: All one

Door 12: All One divides itself again into new experiences, adventures, and opportunities.

Which door do you choose?

Open that door and start writing down and cataloging what you see and experience. I’d love to hear your stories and better yet discover if you’re willing to share with the community.

Cosmic sunshine to you!

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*This is How We Create Our Optimum Future

*This is How We Create Our Optimum Future

I had this great ah ha moment the other day. Prior to Covid, it was easy for me to dial into future concepts and timelines for individuals as well as an overall earthly projection. Since Covid, (please seek out any Dr. David Martin interviews for the truth and history of what’s been perpetrated on humanity) time has become incredibly squishy, and you don’t have to be a psychic or a rocket scientist to feel that to be true. Memories have become jagged, time is scrunched and compressed. It feels like we have five hours in a day.

The ah ha I had was, after the lockdowns and mass global fear impregnated into humanity’s belief system, people stopped feeling optimistic and projecting into a positive future timeline. I think that’s why I had been seeing future probabilities as more murky and actually foggy. Not that the future is foggy, it’s that’s we individually, as well as collectively had been creating an indecisive forecast for ourselves. In not focusing on positive future probabilities – imagining what we’d like to create – instead focusing on what we don’t want, the “what if’s” such as what if I die? – generated the time-bog, I’d been seeing.

As group consciousness focused on the fear, the future timelines being created were incredibly murky, mixed and not solid, much like the concept of purgatory. Essentially, humanity had moved into a lateral drift. However we are smarter than that. We are not going under the waves once again. We didn’t come back just to learn to swim.

However, I know and feel unequivocally, humanity has crossed the awareness threshold, the wake-up-and-smell-the-roses gateway, the spiritual frequency of consciousness vibration, to create a productive, positive, evolved future. This has happened due to each individualized soul who chose to be here and clear their personal fog, clean up their karma and debts and shift old patterns and beliefs. This has occurred with the help of higher dimensional beings here to help and of course, Source Energy. For eons this planet has lived under the spell of darkness. That too is shifting due to each of you light workers helping to raise your own vibrations by focusing on the good, seeing the oneness in all things, all life. We have turned the timeline-corner because of each of us and are now vibrating in the Light.

We have much work ahead to clear out the old that no longer supports a bright and evolved future. We are in the beginning stages. Everyone has their job to do. (Timeline wise we are at the end of a major epoch, the long year, the 26,000 year cycle and the beginning of the new projection in Aquarius) Each one is called upon to recognize we all have a place in the wholeness, a knot in the grid, a light in the dark to shine, to bring this magnum opus, this piece de resistance, this achievement, into form.

I want to thank each of you for your brilliant part in this passion play – as we are all passionate about this beautiful planet we are fortunate to inhabit. *Please keep focusing on the best and brightest now as that will actualize the future we all truly desire of bright sunny days for all life on the planet.

Cosmic sunshine to each of you.

With love,


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“Living in Eden”

The garden is up to us. Actually it is us. We have to be it, live it, create it. Visualize a beautiful garden around you, flowers, trees, stone paths, birds, animals, whatever you’d like in your garden. You’re the architect. You’re the center, the light feeding the arena. The light is so vast it spreads beyond the barriers of the garden, casting away any darkness overshadowing your energies.

This is the connection to Source. Begin your day and end your day in this space.

It’s how we change the world.

We are stardust, we are golden,

We are billion-year-old carbon

And we’ve got to get ourselves

Back to the garden.

Joni Mitchell

Cosmic sunshine to you☀️

Posted in 3D, 4D, 5D dimensional frequencies, Be Here Now: The Present, Frequencies of Vibration, healing tools, Health of the Planet, Quantum physics, The field of potential, Spiritual wellness, The Law of Attraction | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Have you ever wondered if we are stuck literally in this cyclical process of repeat repeat reload? The same situation comes up again and again because we haven’t figured out how to change the way we negotiate and navigate the curves. It’s like being in one of those problem-solving games where the walls start coming in to spur our get-out-of-jail-free card, however the ‘free’ is never part of it. We always have to use our skills and wits. It reminds me of the trash compactor in the first Star Wars, where Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker had to frantically discern what to do before they became mincemeat. In other words, they had to save themselves.

In my view, there are ways to stop the cycle, break the glass ceiling on old perceptions. They’re not free though- we actually have to be intentional – and guess what? Do them. Essentially in so many ways, humanity has become lazy, expecting the government or some organization or family to do it for us. Hahahahaha 🤣 There are no saviors. We are it.

When we feel frustrated, depressed, unmotivated, angry, lethargic, the emotional ad-infinitum circle, we are definitely stuck in a cycle, then it’s time to reset. Change the vista. Break the ceiling.

1. Visualize hiking a trail up this beautiful mountain. You are nearing the summit which contains the clearest vista. This vista is where you have clarity and your best answers. (You have to literally go there in your mind on a regular basis.)

2. Drink clean water. Filter it. All the fluoride and other toxins added in the water have calcified our pineal gland, our connection to Source, to the Divine Universal Spirit. We need to break up the calcification, break the glass ceiling on our cell tower. There are also specific tools available on breaking up the encasement around this gland. Seek them out. Visualize with intention the clean water chipping away at the calcification as well.

3. Start loving everything. Seriously everything. Starting with ourselves. Harder than we think. 😉😳 When we love there is no resistance. When we resist – things persist. We also have the ability to break the cycle of control and manipulation that has been perpetrated on humanity for ‘ever.’ All of our fear, worries, anxieties and negativities add to the “power” of control and manipulation. When we love things instead, it negates the negative and removes the fuel of oppression and gives us back our self respect and humanity. Essentially our sovereignty.

4. Visualize the earth’s firmament as a dome, our glass ceiling, our illusory matrix, like Jim Carey in the Truman Show. Through repetition and awareness, observing the little things, he was able to discover the door to freedom. That is our journey- discovering the freedom portal, shattering the dome of illusion, by non compliance to the system. Walking out the door or throwing rocks till the glass shatters and we are once again truly connected to our spiritual awareness.

5. Appreciate the world we live in, all the while knowing there is one overlaying ours of ultimate beauty, gorgeous and colorfully magnificent in scope, waiting for our focus and attention so we too can participate. See yourself there.

And love everything.❤️❤️❤️

Cosmic sunshine to you☀️

Posted in 3D, 4D, 5D dimensional frequencies, Ascension, Be Here Now: The Present, Cabal, Deep State, Illuminati, Frequencies of Vibration, healing tools, hidden Agendas, Quantum physics, The field of potential, Spiritual Evolution, Spiritual wellness, The Great Awakening | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“Let’s Do the Time Warp Again”

When I finally saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight in some Salem theater, fans had been watching it for quite some time throwing popcorn and dancing in the aisles. I was behind the eight ball in popular trends of the day.  Honestly, I wasn’t all that impressed with the hype. In fact, the best part of the entire movie in my estimation was the theme song. “Let’s do the time warp again.” The crazy sad part is little did we know when the movie came out how real the whole nonsense was and is with cannibalism, Adrenochrome, and Satanic ritual.  However that is not the subject of today’s blog. For those who are unaware of these issues, please consider doing some research.

We live in a multi verse. I totally believe this though I know many do not. That’s okay. To each his own. I believe we have the opportunity to create and manifest and be part of the whole cosmic dance. Within this framework of thinking, I believe we have multiple options, a zillion pathways in the “multiverse”from which to choose. Remember in the first Matrix movie when Neo speaks with the Oracle, the door opens and a gazillion doors open behind it? That’s how I see reality, the multiverse. The question is, which one of these doors do you/I/we want to open, which door leading to a particular timeline do we want to participate?  

When things are going sideways or a particular story is being perpetrated in the news and the media, or there are relationship challenges that have hit a brick wall and I do not resonate with, I choose consciously to move timelines, to step into a positive pathway of creation. I choose to do the Time warp again and move over into a timeline where that particular negative nonsense does not exist. I literally take a step to the right – to be on the right road – the right path- in the right timeline – with the right intention.

Remember, we have an over-arcing timeline construct where 8 billion souls reside. Under that umbrella each individual has their own particular timeline, the reality they have co-created with the universe. All we have to do is look at siblings to see how timelines can be so divergent even within a family yet alone across countries and cultures. Each soul comes in with an agenda, a timeline of focused attention of experiential events. 

We have the ability to step into the reality we desire when we consciously, with clear intention, make that our reality.

 My invitation is to try this short exercise. Literally, consciously, with intention, pivot to the right physically with your entire body, and see a new timeline opening up for you,  a new doorway, a new pathway. The key is to start paying attention like Sherlock Holmes, to the little reality changes. You might be surprised at the things you discover. People change, things aren’t  where they are supposed to be, a negative neighbor becomes nice. It’s fascinating, exciting, fun and liberating.

“Let’s do the time warp again.”

Cosmic sunshine to you☀️

Posted in Frequencies of Vibration, healing tools, intuitive knowing, Parallel Realities, Probability Fields, Quantum physics, The field of potential, Spiritual Pyschology | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

“Reconnecting to Higher Consciousness: Your Job Should You Decide to Accept It”

I haven’t written since the whole Plandemic took earth by fierce storm. In so many ways I feel it disconnected our line of communication with our higher selves and our direct link to higher consciousness. I think that was the dark’s agenda actually. Much easier to control a population when we are disconnected from love consciousness. The good news is all of those dark filters have been cleared and once again humanity has the opportunity to not only raise its vibration but to be connected to the Oneness of all that is.

If you can identify with any of this, and are desiring that reconnected link once, again here is a quick tool to get you back on track:

See yourself as the sun in your soul-are system. Pluto is where your boundary of light ends. This is your personal soul-ar system your personal soular light. Within this circle of light, draw an axis line from below your feet in Gaia/Eden, through your heart, extending up through the cosmos to the central sun of our galaxy. Draw the light beam back through the stars and asteroids and meteors and cosmic light, back through your crown anchoring the light connection with All That Is, in your heart. This is your connective beam. Learn to stay here and navigate your life roads from this point of origin.

When you stay within this light frequency even in times that are troubling, your connection to Source is always available. You are connected to and within the Oneness. You can create from this level of internal connection versus externally. As an example when we pray, that is an external motion. When we go within and align with our natural self, our connection to Source energy we have freedom to create and manifest the world we desire.

Your job should you decide to accept it is to stay in your light alignment, to be in your soul-ar system.

Imagine the world we can create. It has the potential to be incredibly magical.

Right now the Earth needs our help- we need to clean up every system on this planet-financial/banking, the media, medical, agriculture, transportation, education, ad infinitum. It is our job, not some savior, not some politician, it’s ours. We are literally moving out of the Pisces epoch of 2160 years into Aquarius. That means it’s about humanity and not saviors and governments or religions to save our asses.

When each of us is in alignment we can move mountains.

Cosmic sunshine to you.

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“Looking for a Purple State: Updated”

Originally written in 2014

We live obviously in the information age however we are also given so much disinformation it’s overwhelming. How big is Ebola? ISIS? MERS? (Covid, BLM, Antifa) Is China trying really to take over the Federal Reserve? (China taking over the world through bioweapons?) How soon will we lose world currency status? (The total meltdown of the global economy) Will the upcoming US election make any difference what-so-ever in our imminent slide into bankruptcy? Is the new universal health care law really going to save us or sink us? Are the evil Democrats going to slide us further into socialism or are the sinister Republicans taking us back decades in human intolerance? CNN ~ FOX information wars. A little truth here, mass mis-information there! It’s so bi-polar it’s crazy! Us versus Them. You versus Me.

Weeding through the social and political hubris and debris without a weed-whacker can be a bit of a challenge. It’d be easier to ignore the entire garbage heap, bury our heads, let the weeds and vermin take over (very much like ….hmmm…reality) and live in ignorance, however that doesn’t serve us either. Information is empowering; we can make good sound decisions based on information. Expanding our knowledge base is the best direction combined with intuitive guidance. Now you’re talking smart.

To disentangle from the negative polarizing jungle, make sense of the mayhem, what if we were to create Purple? An alternative clever societal construct we can design, build and live in which is productive, proactive, civic, supportive, environmental, serviceable, imaginative, loving, nurturing, abundant, independent, inventive, exceptionally wise, combined with strong fiscal responsibility. This society honors each other, has reverence, is spiritually abundant, trust worthy, caring, and fun. One which services its people by Empowering them, not making them slaves to welfare, government services, unexceptional education, pharmaceuticals, (vaccines) horrific insecticide laden foods, excessive obtrusive taxation, which disempowers the masses. Think Purple!

Yep, that’s right. Purple places, purple people, purple states. Purple is a great combo dance of calming Blue and energetic Red, of Democratic ideals married to Republican financial accountability. Doing by being responsible, abundant resourcefulness coupled with intelligent inventiveness. Purple.

Visionary enterprise, talented entrepreneurs, sustainable capital. Purple. Working with nature, not against her: Purple. Ingenious architecture, nutritional foods, deductive reasoning and brain-enhanced education: Purple. Healthy families: Purple. Healthy communities: Purple. Healthy states: Purple. Healthy nation: Purple.

A nation where victim mentality is in the rear-view mirror instead of taking center stage with a badge of honor. A nation/world where the sovereign rights of every individual takes precedence. A nation where taking personal initiative and responsibility is the norm. A nation/world where we love and respect our family, friends, neighbors and initiate support and help.

No more “you verses me,” “them versus us.” No more Elephant against Donkey, no more Red contrary to Blue. Purple, a blend of ideals, attitudes, beliefs and constructs, where we can live in harmony, in peace.

Here’s to being in a State of Purple, a state of Grace.

Cosmic sunshine to you.

Posted in Be Here Now: The Present, Cabal, Deep State, Illuminati, Dealing with Fear, Duality Polarity, Frequencies of Vibration, Health of the Planet, History, Political Division, Politics, Quantum physics, The field of potential, Spiritual Evolution, Spiritual wellness, The Great Awakening, The Law of Attraction | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

“It’s Time to Clear the Air”

I don’t know about you, but I feel one of the negative mantras for 2020 has been “I can’t breathe.” “I can’t breathe from Covid.” “I can’t breathe from masks.” “I can’t breathe,” from George Floyd, and now here on the West Coast, “I can’t breathe from all the smoke.” Personally, I feel it’s time to clear the air.

This is just up the road though the air has been much much worse where I live.

All of this oppressive suppression is leaving an indelible mark upon society as a whole. It is creating depression, anxiety, family arguments, abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, separation, murders, arson, desecration and destruction, shaming, blaming, an absolute shit-show of division. From a spiritual point of you, I really feel it is time to clear the cosmic air.

A great place to begin to “clear the air” metaphorically as well as emotionally is from a personal practical level. We can take time to look within our own backyards, our own family relations, our friends, and assess any connections that have been divided. It’s time to clear the air with honest communication and throwing the white flag. If need be, we can agree to disagree and work towards a common goal, as it’s better to be united then divided. By clearing the air with honest healthy communication not only do we make our bonds tighter, we energetically start sharing that positive energy with others.

Because in truth, it always begins with us.

Any positive shift within us can be felt by those around us. This is a non-stop repeating refrain, we have to be the change we want to see. Take time to clear the air, breathe deeply with positive intention. Breath work fortifies our physical selves, improves our immune systems, and energetically clears the space around us. Balanced and love-charged space encourages others to clear their space, unite the divisions, and let go of prejudices and backstabbing.

The only one to rescue us is ourselves.

Clearing the air connects us to nature, to our bodies and to each other.

We are on an amazing time-line course correction. So much dark history is going to be disclosed. Just wait till 2021. Whoa baby! Being prepared ahead of time for the truths that are going to be revealed, will give us a leg up, a (soul’s) Scout’s backpack filled and ready. This is why it’s paramount to clear the air and space around you now. We will be called upon to be of service, to assist those in need of emotional and spiritual support, and help transition us into new higher awareness. Yes this includes You Lightworker!

Clearing the air is essential in our evolutionary leap.

Please participate, do your part and play a vital role (rather than be complacent) as we move through the eye of this cosmic portal into our best possible time line where humanity is free of the darkness that has encased us for thousands of years.

Clear the Air.*

Cosmic sunshine to you.☀️

*Repetition, as in a good mantra, helps seal-the-deal, within our consciousness, keeping the mantra forefront in our thoughts.🌹

Posted in 3D, 4D, 5D dimensional frequencies, Be Here Now: The Present, Cabal, Deep State, Illuminati, Dealing with Fear, Energy healing, Environmental Change, Frequencies of Vibration, Health, Health of the Planet, Political Division, Spiritual Evolution, Spiritual wellness, The Body’s Health and Vitality, The Great Awakening | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments